Modern control solutions with intelligent algorithms

Modern control solutions with intelligent algorithms


Advantages of our solution

Reduction of energy consumption
Our algorithms reduce your electricity and fossil fuel consumption by taking into account your needs, weather forecasts and the dynamic behavior of your installation.
The management of thermal (heat storage) and electrical storage (fixed batteries or bidirectional electric vehicles) is improved to optimize your self-sufficiency and get the most out of your solar systems (thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels).

Our approach

Advanced Algorithms
Advanced Algorithms
Our algorithms range from adaptive PID controllers to look-ahead algorithms based on the principle of predictive control. If necessary, artificial intelligence algorithms are also used to learn user behavior. These algorithms are the result of years of research.
Easy integration
Easy integration
Our algorithms are available on an algorithm server. This server can be in the cloud or on your premises which can be accessed via BACnet, OPC UA, Modbus TCP or KNX. The algorithms are individually configured for your installation.
Powerful monitoring
Powerful monitoring
The performance of the control algorithms is continuously monitored. In the event of a performance degradation, an automatic recalibration is performed or an alarm is triggered. Our specialists will fix the problem in the shortest possible time.

The use cases

Energy Management System

Our Energy Management System gets the maximum out of your photovoltaic installation. Your self-consumption is maximized. Weather forecasts as well as consumption forecasts are taken in to account to control your heating pump and the charging of your electrical vehicle. The demand forecasts can either be inputed by the users or learned automatically. Our algorithms manage batteries and help to optimize their size.

Energy Management System


The PID controller is the most common control algorithm used in the industry. If the controller structure cannot be questtioned, its tuning is often suboptimal. Parameters are often inherited from previous projects. Our solution initializes the controller parameters using proven methods and monitors their performances. These parameters will adapt automatically to account for changes.


Shading control

Our shading control system takes into account the current and future position of the sun and the intensity of the sun, which means that your blinds can be optimally controlled.

Shading control
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Intelligent algorithms for your building.
Copyright © 2024

c/o Thierry Prud'homme Algovise Technologies GmbH Ebenaustrasse 21 CH-6048 Horw Schweiz CH